Air enriched with a negative ions - Goodbye allergies.
Our existence is based on breathing, and much of the physiology of our internal organs is connected through it.
We known that the presence of negatively charged ions affects positively for most people.
April 24, 2021
Project in a private house
This can be especially beneficial for those with respiratory problems or allergies, as fewer pollutants in the air can reduce their symptoms significantly.
Our existence is based on breathing, and much of the physiology of our internal organs is connected through it.
We known that the presence of negatively charged ions affects positively for most people.
Jundap's Main Features for Home
There have been scientific studies showing that negatively charged ions help reduce stress and anxiety and improve mood.
People feel fresher and more energetic when they are in an airfone enriched with negatively charged ions. Such a climate increases our sense of well-being.
Oxygen molecules with an extra electron play an important role in the biochemical processes of organisms, participating in antioxidant reactions and immune responses.
Using the Jundap device, it is possible to very precisely control the humidity concentration of the indoor climate, which is important for our health and also for the preservation of building structures due to excessive humidity.